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Scalp Expansion Surgery

One rather advanced plastic surgery procedure of the scalp in which Dr. J. Epstein specializes is tissue expansion. What tissue expansion involves is essentially the stretching out of a portion of the scalp—and sometimes the forehead or other area—with a balloon tissue expander. This balloon tissue expander is surgically inserted under the scalp, then over the span of 4 to 10 weeks, progressively filled with saline. The stretched tissue, usually containing hair, can then be used to cover over large scars or bald areas of the scalp, providing unsurpassed impressive results.


Who’s the Best Candidate?

The indications for tissue expansion are cosmetic, such as dramatic surgical hairline advancement or the removal of large areas of baldness in the crown in women, as well as reconstructive, most commonly the repair of scars from prior burns or other accidents, as well as amniotic band syndrome.

Before & After

Scalp Expansion


The photo of the woman above is me. I had this procedure at Sheffield general hospital . I was around 40 years old. It was the best thing I ever had done after having gone surgery to remove a malignant melanoma during my pregnancy . I spent 10 years wearing a stick on hair piece of which I slowly got very conscious of wearing. I cannot thank enough all the team involved in changing my quality of life, whoever involved, but it changed my life and I will never look back. Many thanks again. I just wanted to voice my appreciation.

Real Patient

Just before Thanksgiving of 2004, I received a call from my dermatologist's office to come in right away. I had noticed a spot on my scalp that had been there for a few years that I felt looked different. I wouldn't have even noticed it if I hadn't had a change in medication which caused the hair on top of my head to start falling out. I could now see the spot clearly.


I wanted to thank you again for working on my hairline, which I think is phenomenal. It has been a tremendous help to me, and it's helped me be able to transition into studying to become a physician assistant.

Jim W

Hi Jeff. Thanks again for doing a wonderful job and making it a Fantastic experience. You have an amazing team. Such a great experience. I imagine I’ll be. Back for more from the beard for the scalp and maybe chest.


Wow. It looks amazing! You are truly a magician, I cannot thank you enough Dr. J. Epstein!


I think you are underestimating how well the procedure went and how good you are. After the next procedure in February I will have more hair than when I was 30. Cannot thank you enough.


I learned my lesson doc- going overseas for a cheap transplant. There are no words to express my appreciation for you fixing me up


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